With an aim for al-round development of Vanvasi (Tribal Communities) across India, Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram works under many different categories – known as Aayams. On this page, you will be briefly introduced with the Aayams, alongwith some of the ongoing as well as finished projects in recent times.
Presently VKA is running 18 hostels for Vanvasi children. Apart from the hostels, there are 3 schools, 3 Nurseries or Balwadis, 113 agriculture development centers, 5 dispensaries, 54 spiritual congregation centers and 804 allied projects are being managed. VKA is also implementing more than 500 social projects through full time dedicated volunteers. The Ashram has presence in 2000 of 5600 Vanvasi villages and hamlets in Maharashtra.
Status of Projects in Maharashtra as on March 2019

Status Across India (Shirdi Sammelan September October 2019)
Sl |
Organisational Information |
India (Total) |
1 |
Total No. of Districts |
674 |
2 |
Total Vanvasi Districts |
447 |
3 |
Total Vanvasi Villages |
188124 |
4 |
Vanvasi Villages in Contact |
52323 |
5 |
Total No. of Projects |
20266 |
6 |
Total No. of Project Places |
14551 |
7 |
Total Full time workers |
Male |
754 |
Female |
172 |
8 |
Total Part Time Workers |
Male |
519 |
Female |
334 |
Projects Across India At a Glance - (Sept-Oct 2019)
Sl |
Projects |
India (Total) |
1 |
Total No. of Projects |
20266 |
2 |
Total No. of Project Places |
14551 |
3 |
No. of Hostels |
Boys |
189 |
Girls |
50 |
4 |
Students |
Boys |
6353 |
Girls |
2249 |
5 |
Education Centers |
a. Secondary / Higher Secondary Schools |
49 |
b. Primary Schools |
162 |
c. Pre-Primary Schools |
38 |
d. Ekal Vidyalaya |
1904 |
e. Balwadi / Vidya Mandir |
54 |
f. Balsanskar Kendra (Daily) |
666 |
f. Balsanskar Kendra (Weekly) |
540 |
g. Night Schools |
121 |
h. Free Coaching Classes |
587 |
i. Library & Reading Rooms |
61 |
j. Any Other |
8 |
Beneficiaries |
131857 |
4 |
Economic Development |
a. Agricultural Development Centers |
44 |
Beneficiaries |
955 |
b. Vocational Training Centers |
105 |
Beneficiaries |
1644 |
c. Self Help Groups 1 |
1387 |
c. Self Help Groups 2 |
2921 |
Beneficiaries |
41415 |
d. Gramvikas – Kiran Uday Prabhaat |
83 |
Beneficiaries |
4323 |
e. Any other |
14 |
Beneficiaries |
572 |
5 |
Medical |
a. Daily |
30 |
b. Weekly |
128 |
c. Aarogy Rakshak (Mob Health Center) |
4146 |
d. Hospital |
6 |
e. Medical Camps |
541 |
Beneficiaries |
398400 |
6 |
Khelkud Centers (Sports) |
Daily |
472 |
Weekly |
2098 |
7 |
Shraddha Jagaran – Satsang |
5729 |
Our Aayams

Chaatrawas (Hostels)
Chatrawaas (Hostel) is the most important project of Kalyan Ashram. Due to projects like Chatrawaas, thousands on young men and women give their time for upliftment of their own community. Along with education, this project helps in creating dedicated leadership. These Chatrawaas’ are power houses of the particular regions. Till date, thousands of alumni from Chatrawaas have done work for revival of their community in various fields.

Education is the root of development of any community. Absence of education is the main cause of lack of development in many tribal communities in India. To overcome this, Kalyan Ashram has opened educational projects like Schools, Baalwadi, Baal-Sanskar Kendra, Ekal Vidyalaya, Adult Education Centers, libraries. Along with education, providing ‘quality education’ is the main purpose of these projects.

Lack of healthcare facilities is a serious problem in tribal areas. With limited resources at Kalyan Ashram, we are trying our best to solve this problem. Projects such as weekly Medical camps, Health Centers, Kalyan Ashram has also appointed Arogya Rakshaks in villages who have basic knowledge of first aid and medicinal treatment.

Tribal Sports Sport is yet another effective medium to mobilise the youth of a community or group. A beginning has been made under our Eklavya Khel Khood Programme’, in order to encourage tribal youth to participate in such sports and athletics, as are most suited to their physical and environmental conditions. Efforts and arrangements are being made to hunt sport talent from amongst the Janjatis and provide some coaching, that we can afford. It is obvious that we cannot afford or provide money, coaches, stadia, tracks, equipment and a host of other sophisticated and costly material and facilities needed for preparing sports persons and athletes of national and international standards. Let us hope that the ground work of creating enthusiasm for sports in the tribal youth supplemented with intensive and specialised training, which only governments can afford, some of them may earn honour and glory for India in Olympics and other international meets.
Gram Vikas
The Gram Vikas project of Kalyan Ashram is established to empower the development in villages. For a nation to develop, not only its cities but also the villages should contribute in the progress. To make this possible, Kalyan Ashram has put an aim of total development of villages through its Gram Vikas projects.
Shraddha Jagrana
A community that believes in its culture and traditions, is the only community that survives in odds. The tribal community has preserved our culture and traditions since many centuries. Kalyan Ashram has been working on preserving their spirit of through various activities like Satsangs, Bhajani Mandals.
Preservation of Culture
In its development programmes, the Ashram has laid special emphasis on improving the economic condition of the Vanavasis so that they are not forced to sell their souls for bread. The Ashram approached the Vanavasis with understanding, sympathy and a feeling of oneness with them. While working for the educational, social, economic, cultural and spiritual development, the Ashram workers do not decry their culture, faiths, customs and way of living. On the contrary, they themselves respect these and also encourage the Vanavasis to take pride in these. The Vanavasis are hard-working people. But unfortunately the fruit of their labour is grabbed by others, land lords, money lenders and traders.
Creating awareness about educations and rights(हितरक्षा)
Simplicity and lack of education leads to the exploitation of the tribal community. To free them from this exploitation along with education there is a need for awakening for their rights in the tribal community. Keeping this in view Kalyan Ashram has started a new activity HITA-RAKSHA. Various rights of tribal community laws their benefits are told. They are to be made aware of their rights laws benefits by organising and empowering them. This is done by hita raksha activity. Various workshops, Awareness programs and exhibitions are arranged .If required agitations are done.
Urban Activity (Nagariya Karya)
Though the focus of work of vanvasi kalyan ashram is in the tribal region,it also works and gets cooperation from urban areas. Hence kalyan ashram is active in various cities of the country,for this regular meetings, gatherings, workshop, visits to our projects are arranged. There are some misunderstandings about the tribal community amongst the urban society which are to be removed and at the same time for overall progress of the tribal community there has to be an awakening in the urban regions. Alongwith this for actual work going on in the tribal area fundraising, guidance from various experts and involving volunteers in the work is done by the urban committees of kalyan ashram.
Scheduled Tribe Protection Forum (Janjati Suraksha Manch)
For several problems which tend to endanger the basic existence of the tribal community ,the only solution is to fight against the government and the administration. Schedule tribe protection forum works in this direction. To develop leadership in s.t.community which will directly fight for their rights is the main purpose of this forum.
Folk & Art Forum (Lok Kala Manch)
The folk art is indivisible part on any community. The fascination of western art and culture is a possible threat to the traditional folk art’s progress.
Original Indian culture, tradition can only be seen in the tribal community. The tribal community has protected their culture ,dance,traditions,songs,tales and stories various festivals with all their might.The main purpose of starting this forum is to keep these traditions and culture alive.
Coordination With Different Scheduled Tribe Organisations (Janjati Sanghatan Sampark)
There are various organizations which are also working for the welfare and unity among the scheduled tribes.They may differ in their way of working but their sole aim is the all-round development of scheduled tribes.Through this activity we try to maintain good rapport with these organisations.
Ongoing Projects
Following project is being constructed partly through CSR Funds of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), Mumbai. The project location is Resident School at Guhi, Taluka Surgana, Nashik Jilha (District), Maharashtra, INDIA.
The total project cost is around 3.25 Crore out of which, JNPT has agreed to send 1.75 Crore through their CSR fund. For remaining 1.5 Crore, we are waiting for funds from donors like you to help for this noble cause !
Engineers Group of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram is playing instrumental role in all activities concerning project planning & execution.
Sl. No. |
Type of Project |
Name (Place) |
Approx. Project Cost (in Lakh) |
Execution Year |
CSR Contributor |
Images |
1 |
Hostel for Girls |
Guhi, Tal. Surgana |
18000 sq ft, 225 Girls |
325.00 |
Ongoing |
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Mumbai |
Following projects have been planned through CSR Funds of ABB India Ltd, Nashik Plant. The project locations are various remote Adivasi villages in Taluka Peth, Surgana & Kalvan, Nashik Jilha (District), Maharashtra, INDIA.
Engineers Group of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram is playing instrumental role in all activities concerning project planning & execution.
Sl. No. |
Type of Project |
Place |
Approx. Water Storage Capacity (in Litre) |
Approx. Project Cost (in Lakh) |
Execution Year |
CSR Contributor |
Images |
1 |
Cement Check Dam |
Pithundi, Tal. Peth |
— |
— |
Planned |
ABB India Limited, Nashik Plant |
2 |
Cement Check Dam |
Ragatvihir, Tal. Surgana |
— |
— |
Planned |
ABB India Limited, Nashik Plant |
3 |
Cement Check Dam |
Kosvan, Tal. Kalvan |
— |
— |
Planned |
ABB India Limited, Nashik Plant |
Our Partners
Finished Projects
Following projects have been completed through CSR Funds of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Nashik (Plant 1 & 2). The project location is various remote Adivasi villages in Taluka Peth, Nashik Jilha (District), Maharashtra, INDIA.
Engineers Group of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram has played instrumental role in all activities concerning project planning & execution
Sl. No. |
Type of Project |
Name (Place) |
Approx. Water Storage Capacity (in Litre) |
Approx. Project Cost (in Lakh) |
Execution Year |
CSR Contributor |
Images |
1 |
Cement Check Dam |
Saraswati, Kalampada, Tal. Peth |
32 lakh |
10.00 |
2015 |
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Nashik (Plant 1 & 2) |
2 |
Cement Check Dam |
Durga, Kelvihir, Tal. Peth |
68 lakh |
09.00 |
2016 |
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Nashik (Plant 1 & 2) |
3 |
Cement Check Dam |
Kaveri, Ranvihir, Tal. Peth |
36 lakh |
06.75 |
2017 |
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Nashik (Plant 1 & 2) |
4 |
Cement Check Dam |
Yamuna, Ranvihir, Tal. Peth |
33 lakh |
08.30 |
2017 |
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Nashik (Plant 1 & 2) |
5 |
Cement Check Dam |
Saptashrungi, Ranvihir, Tal. Peth |
30 lakh |
09.97 |
2017 |
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Nashik (Plant 1 & 2) |
6 |
Cement Check Dam |
Lakshmi, Kalampada, Tal. Peth |
40 lakh |
06.27 |
2017 |
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd., Nashik (Plant 1 & 2) |
Following projects have been completed through CSR Funds of ABB India Ltd, Nashik Plant. The project location is various remote Adivasi villages in Taluka Peth, Nashik Jilha (District), Maharashtra, INDIA.
Engineers Group of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram has played instrumental role in all activities concerning project planning & execution.
Sl. No. |
Type of Project |
Name (Place) |
Approx. Water Storage Capacity (in Litre) |
Approx. Project Cost (in Lakh) |
Execution Year |
CSR Contributor |
Images |
1 |
Cement Check Dam |
Bhavani, Kelvihir, Tal. Peth |
38 lakh |
05.93 |
2018 |
ABB India Ltd, Nashik Plant |
2 |
Cement Check Dam |
Gautami, Sadarpada, Tal. Peth |
45 lakh |
10.20 |
2018 |
ABB India Ltd, Nashik Plant |
3 |
Cement Check Dam |
Narmada, Lavhali, Tal. Peth |
33 lakh |
14.00 |
2018 |
ABB India Ltd, Nashik Plant |
Following project has been completed through CSR Funds of Atlas Copco India Ltd., Pune. The project location is Resident School at Guhi, Taluka Surgana, Nashik Jilha (District), Maharashtra, INDIA.
Engineers Group of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram has played instrumental role in all activities concerning project planning & execution.
Sl. No. |
Type of Project |
Name (Place) |
Approx. Project Cost (in Lakh) |
Execution Year |
CSR Contributor |
Images |
1 |
Toilet Block |
Guhi, Tal. Surgana |
10 Toilets + 10 Bathrooms + 10 Basins + 10 Urinals |
25.00 |
2018 |
Atlas Copco (I) Ltd., Pune |
Following project (Boys Hostel) has been completed through funds received from various Donors. The project location is Resident School at Guhi, Taluka Surgana, Nashik Jilha (District), Maharashtra, INDIA.
Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, Pune played significant role in collection of funds through various Donors.
Engineers Group of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram has played instrumental role in all activities concerning project planning & execution.
Sl. No. |
Type of Project |
Name (Place) |
Approx. Project Cost (in Lakh) |
Execution Year |
Images |
1 |
Hostel for Boys |
Guhi, Tal. Surgana |
15000 sq. ft. for approx 200 boys |
225.00 |
2018 |